Taihu Hairy Crab

Taihu hairy crab is a well-known delicacy in China. Its chelicerae are used for feeding and fighting against enemies, and the inner and outer edges of the palm are densely covered with fluff, so the mitten crab is named the Chinese mitten crab.

Taihu crabs have the effects of relaxing tendons and replenishing qi, regulating the stomach and eliminating food, dredging meridians, dissipating all kinds of heat, and dissipating blood stasis. Crab meat tastes salty and cold. It has the functions of clearing away heat, removing stasis, and nourishing yin. It can treat traumatic injuries, tendon injuries and fractures, and allergic dermatitis. Crab shell calcined ash, mixed with honey, the external application can cure wasp stings or other unknown swelling poisons. Crab meat has a good curative effect on various cancers. At the same time, it is also a natural tonic for children. Regular consumption can supplement various trace elements necessary for children's bodies.

Eating hairy crabs is a seasonal enjoyment. Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai once praised: "Crab claws are golden liquid, and bad hills are Penglai. You must drink fine wine and get drunk on the high platform under the moon." How can gourmets miss this delicious food? Timing, the season of not eating hairy crabs is here again! As the saying goes: "When the autumn wind blows, the crab's feet are itchy. In September, the navel is round, and October." In September, female crabs are eaten, and the female crabs are full of thick meat; in October, male crabs are eaten, and the navels of male crabs are pointed. The shape, creamy feet, and firm meat, the food culture of hairy crabs have become a topic again.


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